During the week, if Newton Public Schools are closed or have a delayed opening, the morning Mass or Communion service will be cancelled.
For weekends or holidays, please check the cancellations list on local TV and radio stations. You can also call either of the parish offices at 617-969-2248 or 617-527-7560 (the greeting will have information) or check the collaborative website.
This policy is for the safety of those who attend Mass and also allows for the clearing of the parking lots, walkways, and stairs. Remember, we each have a duty to keep ourselves and our family safe.
If the scheduled Mass has an announced intention and is cancelled, the intention will be rescheduled to the next available Mass.
When possible, someone will notify those who are scheduled to serve at Mass. For Our Lady’s, if you are scheduled to serve at Mass but find you are personally unable to attend due to the weather, please call 617-527-7560 ext. 270 and leave a message
Join us online for Mass at Sacred Heart Parish at 9:30 AM every Sunday.
The live stream begins at 9:25 AM. To view the live-streaming Mass, click on the video player. Note: You may view the Mass in "full screen" mode by clicking on the expand icon in the bottom right-hand corner of the player once the video starts.
Find previously recorded Masses HERE.
Want to know what's going on in the collaborative? Sign up for the Weekend Update emails on Flocknote , and get the most important things to know each Friday morning.
To register, fill out our online form at sholnewton.org/weekendupdate
To submit a prayer request, please visit our
ONLINE Book of Intentions
Let's Walk Together As a Church with the Holy Spirit. For information on the Archdiocese of Boston's Synod, see their website.
The Sacred Heart & Our Lady Help of Christians Collaborative is committed to being a living Gospel to all those we meet.
We strive to encounter Christ, respond in love, and share the Good News of our faith for the realization of God's Kingdom.
Sacred Heart Parish
1321 Centre St.
Newton, MA 02459
[email protected]
Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9:30 AM-2:30 PM
DONATE to Sacred Heart
(at Our Sunday Visitor)
Our Lady Help of Christians Parish
573 Washington St.
Newton, MA 02458
[email protected]
Office Hours: Mon-Fri 7:00 AM-3:00 PM
DONATE to Our Lady's
(at WeShareGiving)