Our Lady's Liturgical Ministry Schedules
There are many roles to fill, all of which contribute to the richness of our worship together. Each role offers extensive training and ongoing support. Ministers are scheduled according to their own preferences and to the needs of the Collaborative.
Altar Servers fulfill a very important ministry during the liturgy. Altar Servers assist the celebrant in the sanctuary and at the altar during weekend Masses, Holy Days, and other important liturgical events and seasons. Anyone who has received First Communion and is in Grade 4 or older can be an Altar Server. Children, teens, and adults are most welcome.
Sacred Heart: Erica Johnson
Our Lady Help of Christians: Chris Graf (or by phone)
This ministry provides appropriate decoration for the church, in keeping with the liturgical seasons. It seeks active parishioners who have an artistic sense, creativity, interest, and willingness to help as needed. The time commitment is seasonal.
Our Lady Help of Christians: Antonietta Civetti, and Jean Ferreira
Sacred Heart: Janet DeSimone
Sacred Heart also welcomes volunteers to help care for and beautify the church grounds. Contact: Cathy Schneider
The Greeter's primary role is to welcome all to the liturgy. As the community enters the church, it is important to be a visible sign of Christ's embrace to all. As we leave, the Greeter sends all to take Christ into the world. Greeters also assist with the offertory collection. Men, women, and youth who are welcoming and caring of others would find this a rewarding ministry. Couples and families are invited to serve together.
Our Lady Help of Christians: Maribeth Scott (or by phone)
Sacred Heart: Nick Frega
Lectors are those who proclaim the Word of God at the collaborative's liturgies. Lectors prepare in advance the readings, proclaim them at Mass, lead the Prayers of the Faithful, and assist in other ways as needed. All parishioners are eligible to serve in this ministry.
Sacred Heart: Nick Frega
Our Lady Help of Christians: Chris Graf (or by phone)
The Liturgy Planning Committee focuses on worship, the most important element of parish life. Members help plan many aspects of parish celebrations, though the greatest focus is on Advent, Lent, the Triduum, and other major feasts. Members also advise the parish staff and spend time learning about the liturgy. Meetings are held once per month.
Sacred Heart: Nick Frega
Our Lady Help of Christians: Anne Marie David
Including many of the roles of a traditional sacristan, this person is responsible for assuring that all things are in place for a smooth, prayerful, and reverent liturgy. They support all other assigned ministers, prepare the church environment, and clean up after the celebration. One way to envision these roles is that, while the other ministers serve the congregation, the Mass Coordinator "serves the servants".
Our Lady Help of Christians: Maribeth Scott (or by phone)
Sacred Heart: Nick Frega
The Minister of Communion, also known as a Eucharistic Minister, serves all who gather at the Lord's Table. They are called to recognize and witness the presence of Christ in their midst - in the Precious Body and Blood of Christ and in the eyes of all who receive Him. All Confirmed Catholics are eligible to serve in this most important ministry.
Our Lady Help of Christians: Maribeth Scott (or by phone)
Sacred Heart: Nick Frega
This often-invisible but always-essential ministry is conducted quietly, behind the scenes in participants’ homes. All linens and towels used at Mass and other Liturgical celebrations are washed and ironed each week. Guidelines are provided for the proper care of the linens.
Sacred Heart: Nick Frega
Our Lady Help of Christians: Joan Donnelly
How do I register as a parishioner? How do I get more involved in parish life? Who should I talk to about getting my child baptized? These questions are only a few examples of the many ways Welcome Table Ministers assist fellow parishioners. Stationed in the back of the church, the Welcome Table is a place for new parishioners, visitors, and those on the margins to engage with smiling and helpful parishioners regarding any question they may have about parish life. All parishioners who are willing and welcoming are invited to join this ministry.
Sacred Heart: Nick Frega
Our Lady Help of Christians: Paula Gannon