The installation of the new pews in the Upper Church at Sacred Heart will begin Monday, July 8. The upper church will be closed through the end of August, and the lower church will serve our spiritual needs during this time.
The dividers in the middle of the pews will be eliminated. This will allow for receiving Communion more easily and efficiently and for larger groups to sit together.
The new pews are contoured to make seating more comfortable.
The new kneelers are lighter and less cumbersome.
When the last installation of floors was implemented years ago to improve our old flooring throughout the church, the floor area under the pews was not included. That left the area under the pews lower than the aisle flooring. Some parishioners leaving the pews have tripped as they tried to exit at Communion or at the end of Mass. We plan to fix and eliminate this potential hazard.
While we wanted to mimic the color scheme of our current pews, they have made some changes in the last 50+ years. Our selection will still be in keeping with the interior of the church.
We are extremely fortunate—through the very generous donations of Gus Morelli, the funds we received with St Philip Neri choosing Sacred Heart as their next spiritual home, and the donations of several other parishioners over the years—that we have a sizeable portfolio invested and managed by the Archdiocese. These monies are designated to address the maintenance needs of our Parish. This has allowed us, over the past 10 years, to make many improvements in our properties, including this one, without the need to request additional donations. As a Finance Council, we spend a set amount each year to address the maintenance or upgrading that is necessary. We keep to a set amount with the goal to have this fund in perpetuity.
Any input you might have is welcomed. Please let me know by sending your emails to [email protected].
Thank you,
Tom Morrison – Chair of Sacred Heart Finance Council