We value the welfare and safety of each and every person within our parishes. We take seriously our commitment to ensure that every child, youth, and vulnerable adult is safely supervised, protected, and cared for in an open and respectful manner whenever they are involved in any event sponsored by our parishes. Therefore, the following have been put into place:
1. All staff and volunteers involved in teaching or ministering to children, youth, or vulnerable adults are to be interviewed by the supervisor of that program.
2. All staff and volunteers will complete a CORI background check annually.
3. All staff and volunteers will complete the Virtus/Protecting God’s Children training that is required by the Archdiocese of Boston. As of February 2020, we have trained more than 1100 individual people in this program.
4. All staff and volunteers will receive and agree to the Archdiocesan Code of Conduct for Volunteers.
5. No staff or volunteers will give rides to children or youths unless permission has been obtained by the parent/guardian.
6. No new programs are to be started without the approval of the Pastoral Staff.
7. All parents are welcome and encouraged to participate in any activity with their children. Parents have access to all areas in which children are participating in programs.
8. All programs and field trips run by the parishes will be closely monitored and supervised. Each parent needs to sign a diocesan permission slip for their children to participate in any activity off church property. All chaperones must have completed a CORI check.
9. Parents are asked to caution their children about going off to secluded areas. We encourage parents to make sure that their child is with a representative of the parish before leaving them to participate in any church activity.
If you or someone you know has been affected by abuse, particularly in the Catholic Church, please visit https://commitment.bostoncatholic.org.
---March 6, 2019 - Letter from Cardinal Sean on the Implementation of a New Reporting System
---February 12, 2019 - Letter from the Catholic Bishops of Massachusetts
---August 23, 2018 - Statement of the Collaborative's Pastoral Associates
---August 20, 2018 - Letter from Pope Francis
---August 16, 2018 - Statement of Cardinal Sean O'Malley
---Prayer for Those Suffering
To be in touch with any staff person, see sholnewton.org/staff