If you need a copy of your records for an upcoming marriage, Confirmation, or other event, please use the following phone numbers:
Sacred Heart, Newton - 617-969-2248
As of June 2019, the records forĀ St. Philip Neri, Newton, have been deposited in the Archdiocese of Boston Archive (66 Brooks Drive, Braintree). The Archive can be reached at 617-746-5897 or [email protected].
Our Lady Help of Christians, Newton - 617-527-7560
As of July 2020, the records forĀ St. John the Evangelist (St. Jean l'Evangeliste, French), Newton, have been deposited in the Archdiocese of Boston Archive (66 Brooks Drive, Braintree). The Archive can be reached at 617-746-5897 or [email protected].